Lemachi Brokers Peace To Stop Community Crisis On Assault Of Political Leader


Positive minded people with humility are the key to success and credible leadership for the development of every common society.

Hon. Stephen Lemachi Nzeribe, the GLO Awarra/ Ikwerede ward, a political leader in Ohaji/Egbema, an aspirant for the Chairmanship position of the Ohaji/Egbema LGA has intervened to make peace between Dr. Gill Ogbonna, a political leader and Comrade Nicholas Nwosu a serving President of National Congress of Ohaji Youth (NACOY) both  from Mgbirichi in Ohaji, Ohaji/Egbema LGA, Imo State.

Dr. Prince Ogbonna who was assaulted and molested by some local vigilante group led by the NACOY youth leader, Comrade  Nwosu that almost put the Community in an unending crisis has been resolved by Hon.  Lemachi Nzeribe and other leaders like Hon. Kenneth Ekwueme  Degree,  Pastor Emeka  Nwulu , Mr. Livinus Eshiobi and some other entourage that followed Dr. Gill to the meeting ground.

The Peace call became a reality in a meeting organized by the Political leader and a business mogul in Awarra Community Ohaji/ Egbema LGA.

Lemachi in his intervention, pleaded for hours to the abused leader Dr. Ogbonna who he described as a good Ambassador, Frontline politician and a patriot and a justice of peace whose interest is always there to attract growth to his people.

He described the assault as barbaric and pathetic giving to the way and manner the respectful leader was humiliated and embarrassed in the public by the local security agents.

He condemned the attack and the level of assault meted to Dr. Prince Gill Ogbonna and called on the Community of Mgbirichi Kingdom especially the elders, Youths and the traditional ruler Eze Ralph IKEGURUKA to oversee the situation with peace and give their unconditional judgement which cannot be strigent to their sons.

He equally appealed to National Congress of Ohaji Youth ‘NACOY’ to look after peace.

According to him, It is important to note that leadership is not for tussle but a call for a development per excellence, which Prince Stephen Lemachi Nzeribe has proven to his people.

Certainly, it is said to be too obvious that Ohaji people cannot forget in a hurry the positive moves to always bring in peace in our Ohaji if he is giving a support to go for the Chairmanship position.

The Peace move is still an action that no youth can try such inhumane act to any leader in the LGA because it has stir up a lesson to many.

He advised the people of Mgbirichi Kingdom to be resolute and be obedient and serviceable to all to attract the blessings of God.

Adding his voice, Hon. PST Emeka Nwulu, tasked NACOY Leadership not to cite her constitution on the provisions of the President’s action to avoid any reason for impeachment.

The Media guru made the appeal while expressing disbelief to the action but requesting them to be in one accord to move Ohaji forward.

He thanked them for coming and call on the Community to always  support , Promote peace and believe in harmony to avoid any destruction of lives and property.

Hon. Ekwueme  generally known as Degree, a former Special Adviser to the Governor  on Imo House of Assembly Matters, expressed gratitude for the honour made to the convener of the meeting and at the same time expressed dissatisfaction over ill behaviour of the NACOY leader for whatever has been the reason(s) behind such dastardlly act.

He posited that only peace can explain the unity and growth of the place irrespective of the circumstance.

Chief Hon. Ekwueme tasked NACOY to continue to be at the forefront of chatting a course for  lasting peace in the LGA even beyond to achieve a target and good vision.

He stated that they must not forget to seek for a better way forward but rescue the LGA from foreign attacks.


Prince Gill Ogbonna the man that was hurt, felt the embarrassment and the situation but stated that he is not in any way angry any more against the NACOY leader Comrade Nicholas Nwosu Tochukwu for his actions but would only be grateful to God Almighty who gave him life after going through the restless situation.

“I have forgiven him”, “he is my brother”  and “I am ready at all time to receive him back as a brother. even in any condition” under any normal circumstances, I know he did it out of  ignorance”,e stated.

“We are from the same Community”.

He has been my driver, my PA long before now, I brought him up as my boy in Mgbirichi.

A representative of Mgbirichi President General a Revered PST thanked the people at the  meeting ground for the quick response for peace.

He said he is overwhelmed but the youth and the LGA leaders should bear in mind that the Community  heads and all other stake holders and the Chiefs and village heads had met and had taken a decision to apply Community actions, values, norms to finally settle the matter and  give courtion.

While “NACOY” ‘leadership plead guilty to Dr GIL OGBONNA for forgiveness’

Nicholas Nwosu Tochukwu went on his Neels to apologize to Dr. Gill Ogbonna for forgiveness. He promised to put his apology in writing with his letter-head for a record purposes.

In another note, Lemachi spoke again on the need for a total reconciliation even up to the Community.

And the youth bows down on his Neels in tears again as he pleaded for guilty and cries for Mercy to the people of Ohaji to forgive him saying equivocally that it was as a result of spiritual manipulation that lured him to the mess.

NACOY leadership led by the Vice Chairman Uche Elechi with the women leader Mrs Suzzy Amadi and others in their speeches remarked  that such never happened in the history of the Union NACOY but has sent a message and signal to them all and also serve as a deterant in case of tomorrow. They said any more of such, it will attract a punishment within the Union in line with the constructional provisions and whoever involved will be brought to book.They stated.

NACOY Executive that graced the occasion were the Vice Chairman Mr. Uche Elechi, Secretary to the Union NACOY Edi Okezuo, and others among them all, some important leaders in OHAJI.

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